Thursday, November 1, 2007

Life In 2026

In 2026 it might just be a little different. Robots would still be programed to do a lot more than they do now. We might not even have a world to live if people keep polluting it so much.Computers will probably more advanced and they will probably be called icomputers.Phones with cords will probably be extinct.I doubt we will have a rain forest any more because people are cutting down all the trees and wasting them every minute , and the animals that live there will be extinct because people are killing them. Technology will be faster and more accurate. Before long robots will be cleaning, cooking,making the beds, and doing our laundry wouldn't that be a HAPPY day.Cellphones will probably be about two inches long or smaller you never know. I also think people will become lazy and fat and not want to work for their own money. Kids will also become lazy and want to lay out of school or skip school every day of the week. Then social services would try to take the kids away from their families. Oh yeah, maybe we will get lucky enough for homework to go extinct or at least illegal. If you have a question just ask the computer or the talking mirror. Life might not be much different but it will be exciting.

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