Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I think loyalty is showing people how much you care and not going behind their backs and talking a bunch of mess about them. A person could show loyalty by maybe making them a card and saying thank you for being my friend or something.

My Town..

I love my town yeah its small but I would never change that about it.I might change the fact thatwe do't have big shooping centers.But thats just part of the town. Big shopping centers mean more people and Goldston isn't big enough for more people.

Elimanate:Crime or Pollution

I would elimanate pollution because if everyone keeps polluting the earth ther won't be any people on the earth so you won't have to worry about crime if we keep polluting.Plus I kind of like living and I bet other people do too.

What Makes Me sad About School.....

What makes me sad about school is that nobody is ever really in a good mood. I mean they act like they are but on the inside they are always ready to get out of the school. Plus my friends have too many problems to talk about.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Race Me ......Or Not...???

I sometimes consider my race part of my identitiy, But other times it just doesn't matter. All that matters to me is who does the write thing and doesn't treat you like you are a no body.

Three Adjectives

Smart, Funny, and Athletic. Those are three adjectives my friends use to describe me. My family uses crazy, mouthy, and lovabable. I kind of like my friends better cause sometimes i think they know me better than my whole entire family put together. I love my family but they haven't seen the other side of me.

You.....All Grown Up

I hope to be a had working adult with four kids and a husband and never have any problems with money. I am going to have a job a NICU nurse and a certified midwife.My house I hope will have at least two stories or maybe three. Hey I am allowed to dream aren't I.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Alein Talk

If aliens landed in my neighborhood I would hope and pray that they could write and I would write down what I want to say to them . If they can't read well I guess my neighborhood is just out of luck unless some body comes up with a new language REAL FAST!!

People Are........

Not all people are good at heart. I mean look at this world today people are killing little kids these days and sometimes it is on purpose. And abortions I could never do that to my child unless one or both of us was going to die either way. There are people out there raping young kids now tell that isn't wrong !! Some people in this world act as if they have no heart at all.

What If Walls Could Talk......?

They would probably say that my class loves to talk all the time in class or out.Or that Morgan and others laugh to much.They would also say Ms.O is very funny, Ms.Hall is strict,Ms.Mac is sweet, and Ms.Burke well shes Ms.Burke whats there left to stay.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Life In 2026

In 2026 it might just be a little different. Robots would still be programed to do a lot more than they do now. We might not even have a world to live if people keep polluting it so much.Computers will probably more advanced and they will probably be called icomputers.Phones with cords will probably be extinct.I doubt we will have a rain forest any more because people are cutting down all the trees and wasting them every minute , and the animals that live there will be extinct because people are killing them. Technology will be faster and more accurate. Before long robots will be cleaning, cooking,making the beds, and doing our laundry wouldn't that be a HAPPY day.Cellphones will probably be about two inches long or smaller you never know. I also think people will become lazy and fat and not want to work for their own money. Kids will also become lazy and want to lay out of school or skip school every day of the week. Then social services would try to take the kids away from their families. Oh yeah, maybe we will get lucky enough for homework to go extinct or at least illegal. If you have a question just ask the computer or the talking mirror. Life might not be much different but it will be exciting.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Being a hero means that someone looks up to you all the time and belives you can do almost anything at any given time.My Daddy is my hero he gives me everthing and sometimes I really do belive he can anything. I look up to him he is a good sensitive man even though he doesn't show it.I think my daddy deserves the " BEST DADDY EVER AWARD ". He is the best daddy I could ask for. I really don't think I could have any better than what I have now. He would give me the MOON and STARS if he could.My Daddy can fix a blowed light bulb and a popped ballon. I love my daddy.He is my HERO!!!! Clark Kent (superman) is my other hero, he is the best!! Clark would get " The Best ,Caring ,Loving Hero On Earth "


Grass is green strings because grass is green and it looks like little strings on the ground.A bed would be a nite sleeper because you lay on it and sleep at nite time it just makes more since.A fan could be called a blowwer because it blows out air.An air condition could be called a cooler well it is obvious it cools you down.

Ending Friendships

I think it is a good idea to end friendships sometimes. See sometimes you can pick friends that are a bad influence on you and can try to get you to do things that you could get in trouble.But sometimes it is not a good idea to keep friendships cause some friends can leave an good influence on you and help you through hard times.

Weatherly Personality

If I could describe myself as the weather I would be a partly cloudy day. See sometimes I am happy but sometimes people make me unhappy. But I love to smile and laugh its fun. I don't like be a cloud.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Are You Most Like A Computer Or A Pencil ?

I think I am more like a computer. I don't need somebody to help me move I can do it by myself. Also I am very smart(well sometimes) and I love to do math on a good day. I am also very quick like a computer. And plus i couln't be a pencil, I could never be that skinny.Computers don't break as easily as a pencil will and it takes something really bad to break. Computers don't need to refilled with led or sharpened all the time eitheir. I loves pencils but it takes a longer time to write with a pencil than it does to type on a computer!!

My Story

About three years ago we went to White Lake it was my first trip there. I loved it. It was fantastic.But there was this one ride at the carnival that I was a little afraid of. I hadn't rode a ride in a while so I just didn't know if I wanted to ride it or not.Then my mom gave me some advice that raelly helped me. She said ," Honey sometimes you only get one chance to do something so take thar chance while you can".I think this would make a very good inspiring story for some people. This inspired me hopefully it will inspire you.I love my mommy!!

Invisible For A Day

I would love to be invisible for a day. I could pull pranks on all of the people that I don't like. But I think it would cause too much trouble to be invisible for a day cause everybody would know you were the only on that wasn't there that day. Then the next day you would be in so much trouble especially at school you would probably get suspended or get kicked out.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Animal Like ME

I think a tiger is the animal that is most like me. When I get mad I have the worse temper.I am very sneaky just ask my grandmother. One day i was walking in the woods behind her house watching her plant her garden. When she stood up I jumped out like a tiger attacking and scared her half to death.Plus I love to go hunting. I don't care if its hot, cold, or snowing I would still go.

Character Neighbor

If I could have a character as my neighbor I would want one of the three bears. Preferably the papa bear so he could scare all the people I don't like away. Oh, and make me something to eat thats not to hot, not to cold, but JUST RIGHT!!! I would become friends with him and take him everywhere so I can use him to get free stuff.On Halloween I would take him trick or treating so I could get more candy!! It would be so FUNNY!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Magic Carpet

If I had a magic carpet I would fly to Sea World with my three of my friends. I love seeing all the animals. Especially the dolphins. My friends like the whales. We would have a party and get to know all the people and workers there. It would be so fun. We would never come back!!