Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Young Goverment

No I don't the foverment is concerned about young people at all. The goverment doesn't care what you do if your not old enough to vote.Most of the laws they pass won't affect us until we are eighteen.We need to write lettters to the goverment if enough wrote a letter they will listen to us after while.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cheater Cheater

Cheating, first of all isn't worth it. Yea at the time you might not be thinking about what you are doing but it is still wrong and you should know better.Once the teacher gives you your punishment you are going to wish you never done it at all.Cheating can cause your teachers and friends to lose trust in you and it may ruin a good relationship that you have.Plus you can lose respect for your self and others may lose respect for you to.It is just betternot to cheat at all because trust me you won't like the punishment you get. You could even get kicked off beta for cheating.You will gain and earn only one thing from cheating on something and that my friernd is a big fat zero.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Future Me

Ten years from now I will be twenty four and hopefully out of college. Maybe and I hope that I will be married and have at least one little boy. And his name will be Christopher Ryan. Twenty years from now I hope I have at least four kids and they are all in school and at least two of them are almost out of school.