Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cereal Box Surprise

I would like to find a Wii` in my cereal box. That would be some awesome. I have wanted one since they came out but I always wind up spending my money on something else. Plus they are way to expensive.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good Sport

Being a good sport means to not get upset when you lose and when you win you don't brag about it to the other team. And also you don't go storming off and throwing things around when you lose.

Eight Legged Freaks

First of all if I woke with eight legs one morning I would be a little freaked out.But I guess it would be easier to balance yourself while you are walking. And if you got in a fight you could kick and trip someone at the same time but you know having eight legs might cause people to pick on you.


My momma is a hero to me. I mean she went through nine months of pregnacy and then almost sixteen hours of labor. Here lately my momma is having to be strong because with daddy gone she has to raise my brother and me by herself. She is doing her best to raise us and I have to help out alot. I love my MOMMY.

Mt. Rushmore

If I could add a fifth figure to Mt. Rushmore I would add Martin Luther King. I think he is one of the greatest people in history. Plus i like his "I Have A Dream" speech.I mean if it wasn't for him we would probably still have slaves and I think thats wrong.


Being brave from a distance kind of means we are in some places but we aren't in others. Like we can't comment on all the brave people in Iraq because we aren't over there fighting.Being courageous when others are being treated badly means to walk over to the person thats treating the other person badly and just tell him/her to back off even if you are scared of them.

Talking Animals

If animals could talk the world would be alot different. First of all they are probably smarter than well at least some of them and they would probably take all the jobs. And some people would probably be scared if an animal came up to them and ask them a question abot something. It would probably freak people out a bit!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Musical Group at My School

If I could pick a musical group to come to my school and play I would pick FLO RIDA. Iwould tell Ms.Browne we could charge a ten dollar admisson and invite everybody in Chatham and Lee County.That way we could make moremoney for the school.

Good Friend

I would give myself a B+on a good friend report card. I will admit sometimes I can be better friend. There are just some stupid things my friends tell me that is just so funny and I cannot keep it a secret.

Principal For a Day

If I were principal for a day I would only change two things. I would let the eighth graders have their cellphones out all day and I would make lunch periods longer for the seventh and eighth graders.Plus I wouldlet the eighth graders have an all day party.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


If I created a new tool it would be called the "knifoonork". It would look like a fork, spoon, and knife all put together. So you could eat cereal, cut steak, annd pick up a bean all at the same time.

Computers make me......

ANGRY!! They get me so frustrated. Sometimes they just freeze up on you when you are in the middle of doing something very important. Other times they just sit there and you have to watch that little rainbow looking cirlce spin around and around for like an hour. And when you finally decide to call Ms. O over there to see whts wrong with it all she has to do is lay her hand on top of it and it starts working. UHHHG!! They make me ANGRY!!!

Justice Or Revenge

Justice is like you know you did the right thing and the other person didn't so you justice over them. Revenge is falling down to their level and doing practically the same thing they are doing to you. Revenge is getting back at the other person.

Perfect Teacher

The perfect teacher would be a teacher that teaches you something in class but also likes to play around with you while you are in class. If A teacher can make you laugh they are already a wonderful teacher. Oh, and they don't give you homework and you at least get thrity minutes of free time each day.

Witch Or Warlock

If I could be a kind witch or an evil warlock I would be the warlock. I have tried a million times but I am not a kind person. I would use my powers to destroy things like maybe the whole entire DUKE basketball team and their court. HEHEHEHE!!!

Magic Wand

If I could change anything with a magic wand I would change my looks. I mean not like my facial looks but my apperence. I would definetly change my weight I am too fat.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Perfect Vacay

The perfect vacation would be going on vacation with about five or six of my friends. We could go to Jamiaca. We would for at least two months. Then we could come back and go to the beach and about a week or two. Then we could stop at White Lake on our way home and stay for about two weeks. Then we could all come home and crash at my bestest friend evers house(Chris).


Great Self-Esteem
Helps Others
Trys to find the good in everthing
A good leader helps try to bring you up from something you gave done that was wrong or maybe you just forgot to do something.
LEADER-One who helps to bring others along;Very kind to others

Ocean City

Okay that would creapy. If cities were in underwater domes at the bottom of the ocean you would be able to see those creapy little fish with antennas on their heads for eyes. You wouldn't get any sunlight because the sun can't penitrate light that far down. As for freash water you better hope you have enough with you to last you rest of your life.


I might become SUPER HANNAH and save the world from danger and pollution. I could jump over tall buildings. Oh and I could always scare robbers away, wouldn't that be fun. But then again if I was jumping buildings and disturbing people the cops might get me.