Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mood Color

My mood color today would have to be pink. I am so happy. Tommarrow after school I am leaving to go to the Dixie Deer Classics. We are staying all weekend. I am the only girl going with four guys. Oh man I can't wait until tommarrow afternoon it is going to be so fun.Only two of the guys are kin to me. The other two are my uncles friends and one is only fifteen. So yea I am really happy!!!

Physical Change

If I could change one thing about myself it would be my legs. They are ugly. They have some many scars and scratches on them because I am always in the woods and the briars catch me or I fall off my bike. Yea admit it I am clunsy!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Not Fair

Life is not fair. You never know what is going to happen next. You lose your love ones and sometimes you get in fights with your best friends. And yea you can make up with your best friend but you can't bring a loved back. Plus you don't always get what you want, there is going to be something going on in the world that you don't agree with but you will get over it in the long run.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The person I most admire is Ms. Hall. She is a very kind woman and treats everyone as equalls. She is always there when you need her and you go to her for anything . Ms. Hall would give up her life for you if she had to. I love Ms. Hall and I am going to cry when she retires and I graduate because she won't be here when I come back to visit.


My superhero's name would be MONKEY MAN. He would have the power to swing from anything and a laser that shot out bananas. He would use his powers to fight crime. He could shot a banana a trip a crook so the police could catch him.

Cartoon Character

Myfavorite cartoon character is Road Runner. I have always thought he was really funny. He is tricky to thats why I like him, and because of the cool sound he makes.
Bee Beep!!!!!

Party Invitations

If I could invite anyone I wanted living or dead to my party I would invite my cousin, Summer. Summer died when she was six and I about went crazy.We were really close we spent almost every day together. She was like my little sister. We did everything together. If one of us got in trouble so did the other. We always looked out for each other. When Summer died I tried to substitute Kendall in for her cause they were the same age. It worked for awhile then I got tired of it cause it just wasn't the same. I use Kendall sometimes to help me remember what Summer was like because Kendall acts just like she did.

Classmate Biographer

If one of my classmates wrote a book about me they would probly say I was smart and funny. But if a teacher wrote a book about me it would say that I was a hard worker but liked to talk alot, and that I was focused most of the time but sometimes I like to pay more attention to whats going around me rather than what I am supposed to be doing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


A couple of months ago The beta club went to a rest home to help out. Well while we were ther this elderly lady ask me to help her back to her so I did and when we got in there she stared telling me a story about how her grandaughter loved to help help her. As I was helping her onto her bed she told that her grandaughter was fourteen and showed me a picture of. I told her that she must be very proud to have such a pretty grandaughter and she stared crying. Then she told me that her grandaughter was killed a few months ago in a car accident. I felt so great about helping her.


All these things are important to me because they help me get through life. I love my family and friends and I look to them for help when I need it. Basketball is my stress realiver for after school. God is my all time favorite i can go to him for any kind of support that I need and I know he will always be there for me when I need him.