Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I think loyalty is showing people how much you care and not going behind their backs and talking a bunch of mess about them. A person could show loyalty by maybe making them a card and saying thank you for being my friend or something.

My Town..

I love my town yeah its small but I would never change that about it.I might change the fact thatwe do't have big shooping centers.But thats just part of the town. Big shopping centers mean more people and Goldston isn't big enough for more people.

Elimanate:Crime or Pollution

I would elimanate pollution because if everyone keeps polluting the earth ther won't be any people on the earth so you won't have to worry about crime if we keep polluting.Plus I kind of like living and I bet other people do too.

What Makes Me sad About School.....

What makes me sad about school is that nobody is ever really in a good mood. I mean they act like they are but on the inside they are always ready to get out of the school. Plus my friends have too many problems to talk about.