Friday, October 19, 2007


Being a hero means that someone looks up to you all the time and belives you can do almost anything at any given time.My Daddy is my hero he gives me everthing and sometimes I really do belive he can anything. I look up to him he is a good sensitive man even though he doesn't show it.I think my daddy deserves the " BEST DADDY EVER AWARD ". He is the best daddy I could ask for. I really don't think I could have any better than what I have now. He would give me the MOON and STARS if he could.My Daddy can fix a blowed light bulb and a popped ballon. I love my daddy.He is my HERO!!!! Clark Kent (superman) is my other hero, he is the best!! Clark would get " The Best ,Caring ,Loving Hero On Earth "


Grass is green strings because grass is green and it looks like little strings on the ground.A bed would be a nite sleeper because you lay on it and sleep at nite time it just makes more since.A fan could be called a blowwer because it blows out air.An air condition could be called a cooler well it is obvious it cools you down.

Ending Friendships

I think it is a good idea to end friendships sometimes. See sometimes you can pick friends that are a bad influence on you and can try to get you to do things that you could get in trouble.But sometimes it is not a good idea to keep friendships cause some friends can leave an good influence on you and help you through hard times.

Weatherly Personality

If I could describe myself as the weather I would be a partly cloudy day. See sometimes I am happy but sometimes people make me unhappy. But I love to smile and laugh its fun. I don't like be a cloud.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Are You Most Like A Computer Or A Pencil ?

I think I am more like a computer. I don't need somebody to help me move I can do it by myself. Also I am very smart(well sometimes) and I love to do math on a good day. I am also very quick like a computer. And plus i couln't be a pencil, I could never be that skinny.Computers don't break as easily as a pencil will and it takes something really bad to break. Computers don't need to refilled with led or sharpened all the time eitheir. I loves pencils but it takes a longer time to write with a pencil than it does to type on a computer!!

My Story

About three years ago we went to White Lake it was my first trip there. I loved it. It was fantastic.But there was this one ride at the carnival that I was a little afraid of. I hadn't rode a ride in a while so I just didn't know if I wanted to ride it or not.Then my mom gave me some advice that raelly helped me. She said ," Honey sometimes you only get one chance to do something so take thar chance while you can".I think this would make a very good inspiring story for some people. This inspired me hopefully it will inspire you.I love my mommy!!

Invisible For A Day

I would love to be invisible for a day. I could pull pranks on all of the people that I don't like. But I think it would cause too much trouble to be invisible for a day cause everybody would know you were the only on that wasn't there that day. Then the next day you would be in so much trouble especially at school you would probably get suspended or get kicked out.