Thursday, September 20, 2007

Animal Like ME

I think a tiger is the animal that is most like me. When I get mad I have the worse temper.I am very sneaky just ask my grandmother. One day i was walking in the woods behind her house watching her plant her garden. When she stood up I jumped out like a tiger attacking and scared her half to death.Plus I love to go hunting. I don't care if its hot, cold, or snowing I would still go.

Character Neighbor

If I could have a character as my neighbor I would want one of the three bears. Preferably the papa bear so he could scare all the people I don't like away. Oh, and make me something to eat thats not to hot, not to cold, but JUST RIGHT!!! I would become friends with him and take him everywhere so I can use him to get free stuff.On Halloween I would take him trick or treating so I could get more candy!! It would be so FUNNY!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Magic Carpet

If I had a magic carpet I would fly to Sea World with my three of my friends. I love seeing all the animals. Especially the dolphins. My friends like the whales. We would have a party and get to know all the people and workers there. It would be so fun. We would never come back!!